The Misunderstood Outcasts The iconic characters in Tim Burton's films and sketches often appear in dramatic situations as “sympathetic monsters.” Featuring the collection of short stories from The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories and his beloved "Balloon Boy” series, this section illustrates Tim Burton’s biggest interest in the perception of 'the outcast.'
Film Characters From his debut film, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure to his most recent work, Dumbo, this section takes a deeper look into the world and characters in his movies by including paintings, videos, scripts and storyboards, character models, and maquettes created in the process of bringing these films and Tim Burton's imagination to life.
Around the World Travelling is a necessity to a director’s life, and life abroad lends endless opportunities for inspiration and materials on which to quickly capture ideas and drawings. You can get a glimpse of records drawn on sketchbooks, hotel stationery, and even restaurant napkins.
Polaroids The oversized Polaroid series, created by shooting with a rare large-format instant camera, was one of his early artistic experiments. The personal photographs highlight recurring motifs and visual themes seen in his professional films.
Unrealized Projects Unrealized film, television, and book projects introduced in this section show Tim Burton's boundless imagination and passion for new creations. Explore the never-released works which examine the artist's continuous exploration and return to specific themes and motifs.