: 30 Years of Animation
Apr. 15. 2017 - Aug. 8.
DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) – Design Exhibition Hall
In celebration of Pixar Animation Studios' 30th anniversary, DDP and GNC Media presents "PIXAR: 30 Years of Animation" organized by Pixar Animation Studios.
"The art challenges technology, the technology inspires the art."
                                                                                                    -John Lasseter-
More than anything, it is the unique stories and memorable characters that fans embrace. Pixar has almost as many artists working in traditional media—hand drawing, painting, pastels, sculpture—as they do in digital media to create these incredible worlds. The exhibit includes approximately 500 works of art that offer a rare and unique opportunity to experience the development and creative process at Pixar Animation Studios, including the creation of Story, Characters, and Worlds.

Exhibition Content 

Section 1: Characters
A character moves the story forward and gives the viewer something or someone to identify with. Pixar artists believe that a character needs to have sufficient dimension to live beyond the frame of the film. This room showcases the development process of how Pixar's incredible characters get created. 
Section 2: Story
Pixar spends about three-quarters of film construction on the story, starting with an original concept, writing script pages, and visually representing the film with storyboards and story reels.
Section 3: Worlds
The places they want to take us do not exist, so they are consciously and laboriously built to create believable environments to share their stories.   

  • Dates
    • Apr. 15. 2017 – Aug. 8. 2017
  • Location
    • DDP | Dongdaemun Design Plaza Museum B2F Design Exhibition Hall (M1 Gate)
  • Hours
    • 10:00 - 21:00 
    • Last ticket sales and entry: 20:00 
  • Docent Tours
    • 12:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00 (during the weekdays only)
    • Not available on weekends and holidays 
  • Hosts
    • Pixar Animation Studio, DDP, GNC Media 
  • Sponsors
    • The Hyundai Department, KT, Korean Air, JC Decaux, The Westin Josun Seoul
    • (82) 2-325-1077(8)
    • gnc@gncmedia.com